Volume 5, Issue 7 (2020)                   JCSFA 2020, 5(7): 109-138 | Back to browse issues page

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Azizifar A, Mohamadi M, Ghobadi M. A Comparative Study of the Rajaz in Rostam and Esfandiar of Shahnameh and Amr-ibn Kolthum's Epic Poems. JCSFA 2020; 5 (7) :109-138
URL: http://jcsfa.modares.ac.ir/article-39-58219-en.html
Abstract:   (2659 Views)
Boasting poem is one of the special features of epic literature that includes the vaunt of the heroes and the expression of their works and honors, and is most commonly used during the war, but in other situations we also find it. None of the heroic stories of Shahnameh of this kind of discourse is empty. In this research, which done based on the documentary-analytical method and with a library study has been completed, We are going to explore the aspects of the content and language of the two poets in the area of boasting poem by studying the epic rebellion in the Shahnameh (Story of Rostam and Esfandiar) and the epic poem of Amr-ibn Kolthum Taqlabli. The central question of the research is whether the two poets are approaching each other in the direction in which they are located; whether the element or elements in the two branches are present and how effective the canvas and the climate have in their quality. After review we found that the language of the two poets, especially Ferdowsi, in the report of Rostam’s Rajaz, has a markedly diminished literary significance, and there is little rhetorical in his language, From the rhetorical point of view, "allusion" is the central axis of two poets, but indigenous and climatic elements have been effective in their regressive quality, as the vast landscape and geography of the inherent features of the epic does not appear in Amr-ibn Kolthum's poetry. Alongside the horse, which is a pivotal epic, the Arab poet has mentioned camels, which are the main capital and native Arabic animal. Esfandiar's Rajaz is accompanied by Rostam's reproach and humiliation. The rhetoric expressed in this story in the early years of the story is longer than the final stages of the tragedy of Esfandiar's death; that is, the more we get closer to the story and death of Esfandiar, the shorter and more violent ones are. Of the ten cases of Rajazi's intentions, two poets shared in seven categories, the expression of power, and the description of abusive acts, rape and race, the concern of disgrace and name, weakening of morale, threats, intimidation and in three cases Humiliation and expression of rival, admonition and uncompromising and oppression are different.
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Article Type: Original Research |
Received: 2019/05/11 | Accepted: 2021/02/15 | Published: 2020/09/21

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