Volume 5, Issue 7 (2020)                   JCSFA 2020, 5(7): 59-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (2576 Views)
Language as a fact and social behavior is always invariant with social, cultural and traditional values. Vocabulary has an ideological identity card, and by digging the archeology of the vocabulary one can achieve inequality in the position and social roles of men and women, because they create, promote And reinforcing sexual ideologies through the same language and through discourse. In this research, the author of this study, with the approach of the sociology of language and with the descriptive-analytical method, wants to specify the cultural and social position of contemporary Arab and Pars women, based on the poems of Kuwaiti poet Sa'ad al-Sabah and Iranian poet Simin Behbahani. Achievement of the research shows that in choosing linguistic structures and patterns, Suad Al-Sabah and Simin Behbahani's follow specific linguistic patterns of their gender. Because women have been deprived of access to power in the community and have been deprived of their proper social base; their frequency of using emphasizing sentences in their poems is highlighted, so that their speeches may be considered. Using speaker's pronoun, those two poets aim to disturb the balance of power and prove the presence of women more actively in the cultural and social areas. These two contemporary Persian and Arab poets, with the help of mental metaphors, and metaphorical schemas, bring forth or create certain meanings. Suad Al-Sabah has cited Cygnus as a metaphor from a contemporary Arab woman to say that the contemporary woman has lost her freedom and her country has become a prison for her. Simin Behbahani's using the metamorphic "Gypsy" for contemporary Iranian woman, expresses hatred of allegiance, weakness, oppression, homage and submission, and demands human rights, liberty, pure and mutual love.
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Article Type: Original Research |
Received: 2020/01/11 | Accepted: 2021/02/3 | Published: 2020/09/21

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