Volume 2, Issue 4 (2018)                   JCSFA 2018, 2(4): 73-99 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (6828 Views)
This article, by descriptive-analytical method, seeks to investigate how to reflect Iranian culture in Fazel al-Azzawi's poetry. Fazel al-Azzawi, an alive Iraqi innovative, talented, and obscure poet has referred to Iranian culture in part of his poems. Hence, in this paper, it is sought to mention examples in which Iranian culture is to be seen, in addition to introducing such a mighty poet to those interested in the area of Arabic literature. One example of this evidence is the recollection of Iranian characters such as Khayyam Nishapur, Rumi, Hafez, Saadi and Mansur Hallaj. According to the research, the poet mentioned these characters in his poem because of using their wisdom and poem content in his own poetry, in addition to his dedication to them. The results of this study indicate that the Iraqi poet, by narrating and describing Iranian myths in the One Thousand and One Nights Stories, encoded them only as a motive for revealing his political critique, and regards it as a way of expressing dissatisfaction with the community of his time, in order to make a change in his own land. Also, in this research, the most prominent signs of Iranian culture in Fazel al-Azzawi poetry, i.e., referring to the cities and places of Iran such as Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz and Qom, were finally considered, are investigated. And finally it was concluded that the poet has mentioned these cities in order to make a link between them and the conditions of his own homeland. In fact, these cities are places for sympathy with his own homeland. At the end of the research, the Arabic words with Persian origins in poet’s poetry have been presented and investigated which can undoubtedly be an example of the effectiveness of Persian language in Arabic one. Accordingly, it is safe to say that al-Azzawi's poetry is a perfect mirror of Iranian culture.
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Article Type: Original Research |
Received: 2017/09/10 | Accepted: 2018/11/28 | Published: 2019/08/15

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